A downloadable game

Yesterday they opent a new supermarket caled Marty Mart and they made a self serving robot to help customers out.

Read the newspaper if you wanna know more info about it.

1 week later there was an accident at Marty Mart that never went public and the police swept it under the rugg, you might ask how i know this but all i can say is that i have alot of connections.

Another week went by and still no public announcement about the incident so i too it upon myself to investigate and collect evidence of what happend there.

I even found some old footage on the internet that got leaked of what happend inside that building and posted it on this here website for the truth to come out.

With my clipboard of evidence to collect and my flashlight too help me in the dark its gonna be a piece of cake finding the evidence that i need.

WIsh me luck :D

#horror #other #Dangerous #Mystery

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